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"Scentwork: The Ultimate Natural Enrichment for Your Dog"

We can only imagine how our dogs ‘see’ the world through their extraordinary sense of smell. Tapping into this olfactory system through scentwork isn't just a game, it can be a transformative journey that unlocks a world of unparalleled enrichment.

Your Dog’s Nose Dogs are literally built to sniff. Their nose structure allows them to exhale without disturbing the scent they are inhaling (check out those slits at the side of each nostril) and they can use each nostril independently to quickly determine the location of a scent. Their sense of smell is so finely tuned they can determine someone’s direction of travel in as little as 5 footsteps using the deterioration of the scent molecules!

Mindful Engagement and Mental Stimulation Scentwork may just be the ultimate natural enrichment for our pet dogs. Engaging a dog's sense of smell requires focus, problem-solving, and attention to detail. As they decipher scents and follow trails, their minds are stimulated, providing a mental workout. It's enrichment that nurtures their cognitive well-being.

Suitable for Every Dog One of the beauties of scentwork lies in its adaptability. Whether you have a curious puppy or a seasoned senior, the challenges can be tailored to suit your dog's age, energy level, and preferences. From simple games like finding a hidden treat to more complex scent trails, scentwork can be a bespoke experience for each individual dog.

Scentwork as Therapy Scentwork is increasingly incorporated into behaviour modification plans for dogs that are worried by triggers in their environment. The focused, individual nature of the activity provides a safe space for them to explore without external pressures. As they successfully navigate scent challenges, they gain confidence, transforming once-nervous dogs into more assured and content individuals. Scentwork releases feel good chemicals in your dogs body and working at a safe distance from known triggers can be a great way to desensitise your dog.

Relationship Building Scentwork isn't just an activity for your dog; it's a shared experience that strengthens the bond between you both. As you guide them through the process, you become an integral part of their exploration. The trust built during scentwork sessions spills over into other aspects of your relationship, creating a foundation of understanding and communication.

What do we Offer?

Cheeky Wee Rascals offers three types of scentwork; scent detection, tracking and mantrailing.

Scent detection – teaching your dog to search an area for a specific odour. Think of the drugs dogs searching bags at the airport. This is usually in a group class or

individual private lessons. You can work your way through 3 levels; Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Tracking – teaching your dog to follow the scent of disturbed ground. Think of the police dogs tracking a criminal that has fled the scene of a crime.

Mantrailing – teaching your dog to follow a specific human scent to find that person. Think of the search and rescue dogs trying to find a specific individual.

If you’re unsure which activity is best for you and your dog, please contact us for a chat. We would love to speak to you!

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